...This personalized approach has allowed me to bring many students up to an achievement level that better reflects their potential. For example, I once took on a student who had never passed a vocabulary quiz. Because of these repeated failures, he considered himself incapable of learning the material. (read more)
...I teach introductory college-level probability and statistics several times a year with various online colleges and universities. I am very familiar with this material. I took this course an undergraduate in Spring 1986. (read more)
...I like to take a conceptual approach to one-on-one tutoring. If students don't understand the underlying mechanics, then how could they ever truly learn mathematics? I'm not a tutor who will just teach a process and call it a day, I want students to feel like they have control over their work. (read more)
...I am also excellent at brushing up on lower-level Math, filling in any gaps as needed, and bringing the student up to the Algebra level. I would like to talk to you before our first meeting/session, to get a feel for what the needs of the student are, and where he/she may be currently, strengths... (read more)
...He graduated with a bachelor's degree in mathematics, has completed internships, worked as analyst for years, and has recently started his own company (Data Math Consulting). If you're looking for excellent support and training to improve, then this is the individual you'll want through your deve... (read more)