...My motto has always been: build a healthy learning relationship with the student because if the student doesn’t like me, he or she will never learn from me! So make it fun!” I am an elementary education teacher, K-8, from the state of Arizona. I taught 5th grade in Arizona for 2 years and have also taught 6th and 8th grade part time. (read more)
...I have taught High School Earth Science and also enjoy teaching in this subject area. When I was teaching in Southern California I worked with Professional Tudors of America and enjoyed worker with a wide diversity of students and abilities. In my most recent experience I enjoyed teaching my sixth grade Spanish limited English students to read and do be successful in all subject areas. (read more)
...We want to be able to convince people that we are the right person for the right job, or that our product or service is the best that money can buy. My role is to help you become easier with the writing process. I taught college-level writing for seven years, and I have extensive experience in helping people with limited writing abilities become proficient writers. (read more)