...In high school and college, I worked in school-based math/science tutoring centers, and since I graduated, I have been teaching high school physics at the honors and AP levels, while also modifying my lessons for students with visual impairments and/or learning disabilities. I'm excited to help ... (read more)
The unique interaction between student and teacher is what makes tutoring such a rewarding experience for me. All students have the ability to grow and mature in their learning. What I do discover in the route to learning and discovery, students do have challenges in understanding the scope of assignments and ultimately subject areas. (read more)
...Xavier University. Throughout the course of my 30 year career, I have taught pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, trigonometry, and Cisco Computer Networking. Geometry is my favorite course to teach as we live in a geometric world, hence geometry is all around us. (read more)