...Not sure where to start? I can help you present your story the way you want it to sound and make it authentic. Your essay structure, grammar and highlighted experiences are all important factors that affect how the message in your writing is received. (read more)
...S. continued scientific research at the departments of mathematics, physics and chemistry in several universities.22 years of work in theoretical sciences: theoretical and mathematical physics, general and physical chemistry, biophysics. Several years of in-person and online tutoring. Constant learner. (read more)
...I can help students understand the concepts and gain a mastery of the skills necessary to succeed in this subject. It is impossible to overstate just how fundamental trigonometry is to applied mathematics, science, and engineering! Trigonometry is one of my all time favorite subjects not only because I use it all the time, but it's just really, really, cool! (read more)
...As a math PhD, I’m extremely proficient in linear algebra. I’m also a skilled, caring teacher, with both tutoring and classroom teaching experience in linear algebra. I have a knack for explaining the ideas clearly and simply, and, where possible, illustrating with pictures. (read more)
...At AACC, I taught undergrad math courses (precalculus, calculus, college algebra) and met with students regularly for 1-on-1 and group office hour sessions. I love math and I believe anyone can become a "math person". When I teach, I always try to be engaging and to get the students involved. (read more)