...I am extremely patient and skilled in explaining concepts in more than one way to help students who are struggling with a particular topic or approach. Rather than telling students what to do, I facilitate their own personal investigation of the material, which strengthens their critical thinkin... (read more)
...Because I am an experienced teacher, I am able to explain concepts simply and provide extra work for practice and reinforcement. I provide worksheets for extra practice in all the subjects. Students say I am friendly, low-key, encouraging, practical, and well organized. (read more)
I love and enjoy teaching chemistry to students of all ages to make a strong impact in their educational success, and, hopefully, inspire them toward science. My teaching objective is to ensure that the client had fully understood the subject matter at hand and that he/she is able to solve problems independently after benefiting from my services. I am committed to student success. (read more)
...I encourage an informal, friendly environment, where students are comfortable to be themselves, ask questions, and make mistakes. I encourage wrong answers in lessons, not only because wrong answers help us learn, but also because many of today's most essential scientific advances began as mista... (read more)